Thursday, March 18, 2010

jude's first hurt.

yesterday evening was an emotional frenzy. i must say i did a great job of holding it together in spite of my mother, who was likely to pass out at any moment. i had left jude with her so that i could spend some time with my best friend larry and when i called to check in my frantically sobbing mother told me, "jude is ok... sniffle... but he cut his foot... sob." i found out that he had turned and gotten his foot stuck under the stove and when he tried to pull it out before my mom could intervene, he was crying and had lacerated the skin on his heel. as to be expected, i immediately freak out, jump in the car, and speed back to her house. when i get there, mom can barely stay in the room without losing it, and jude seems fine. upon seeing the wound, i winced, started crying, and called the pediatrician. they told me to take him to the ER to make sure he didn't need a stitch, so away we went. he didn't act like he was very bothered by pain or anything, but did cry a few times to be held. our doc was great and the visit was relatively short, and all they had to do was glue the skin down. the doctor told us it probably wouldn't completely seal and instead dry up as the skin died, but anything was infinitely better than him having to have a stitch. i know i couldn't have handled that. but considering this was jude's first real injury, i really think i did a lot better than i would have predicted. and most likely because i felt so badly for my mom. she kept apologizing, but honestly, these things are going to happen and i'm going to have to somehow get used to dealing with it. i think you always wish it would have been you that was with him when it happened, because deep down you think it might not have, but then you realize that you can't keep them in a plastic bubble or protect them from everything. ugh. i'm just not looking forward to a next time. i've somehow managed to make it nearly 25 years without breaking a bone or having to have a stitch... having a rambunctious boy is going to take some getting used to.

aside from that, it's been a relatively quiet and lovely spring break. tuesday jude and i turned my bedroom into his playroom and we spent the morning rolling around in his ball pit, playing with a lot of toys, and he practiced pulling up on everything. each day i notice him getting stronger, pulling up with more ease and finesse, and getting more daring. i am in great anticipation of his first steps.

wednesday, we went to the mall to pick out an "easter" outfit, but came home with a bit more than expected. i really haven't ever understood why people need to buy special outfits for church... i guess i have fallen victim to the inevitably lacy easter dress a time or two, but i just think if you're at church, your focus should be on something other than fashion. and since jude was supposed to be having his eight month pictures done today, i convinced myself this was the reasoning for his new linen jacket and tiny, striped tie. i had planned on being able to post some pictures of his photoshoot, but i was afraid having to change him quickly and often the day after he sliced his heel open wouldn't be too great of a time for him. so we are postponing the pictures for when he won't be bleeding all over his new clothes. not that it's a huge deal if he doesn't, but i honestly hope jude is into fashion. at least a little. right now, he likes going shopping and seeing all of the people and looking at colorful clothing. hopefully he will want to pick out his own clothes when he is able. we especially love the baby gap.
after an hour or so of power-shopping, his nana and i took him to lunch at bella notte. restaurants aren't as easy as they used to be before he was constantly throwing his toys in the dirty floor. we use up practically half of the wet ones wipes each time we try to go out and eat. and heaven forbid mr.wigglesworth needs a diaper change. i hate public restrooms. despite this, jude always has a nice time wreaking havoc for us. :)


today he's seemed ok. i've been giving him tylenol/motrin throughout the day to ward off any pain, but he's acting like nothing ever happened aside from being a little clingy. mom went to lowe's and found some rubber to seal the gap between the stove and the floor, and poor little jude is being watched every second. i worried that the sore heel would keep him from pulling up and crawling around so much, but i was wrong. he hasn't even winced once and is as mobile as ever. and he looked quite cute in his new footless, pirate ship pjs...

poor, hurt baby. just the thought of possible pain kills me. seeing that sweet little foot blemished with such a deep cut hurts worse than any cut i've ever had. hopefully it will heal soon. :(


Mama Kayla said...

Aww..poor fella. One of many to come, I'm sure.

viapurifico said...

well at least it was only a foot injury, the focus should be that it is good that you gave so much attention to it! it shows you are ready for even bigger, and eventual, hurts. :)

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