Wednesday, September 22, 2010


i have no title for this blog, and nothing to say really. i've written three or four new entries that've gone unpublished for one reason or another and now that i have a stolen moment in which to update, i find myself at a loss.

i suppose i can talk about jude's first big wound from falling. it was pretty traumatic for both of us. and daddy, too. the three of us were at the park and i walked away from mr.stair-climber for two seconds to grab my macbook to make a video of him playing and told zach to make sure and hold him with both hands while he climbs... well, guess we know how that went. hah.

now, yes, i am OVERLY cautious. but to me that simply means that my baby won't be walking around looking like i've beat up on him. seeing him take the tumble and watching his nose bleed so furiously was one of the most terrible things ever. since it's happened (and mind you he is also teething at the moment) he's been a huge whiny baby around nap times, bed time, meal times, etc. it seems that a scratched face and new teeth are his limit, add hungry or sleepy to that and it's all just too much for him. i don't blame him.

aside from that, things have been fairly mellow here. i've been rearranging things in the house and finally cleaned up the laundry room and emptied the last of the moving boxes (yes i know it's been four months) so now the ferrets have a nice little area to run around in. cleaning makes me feel better about life.

oh, and while we were in GAP today jude said "so soft" while rubbing his cheek with a sweater. this kid is a genius, i swear!

until next time!


Mama Kayla said...

Love this! Baby geniuses are the best! I have one too. :-P

Chelsea said...

Aw, he's still super precious with his little war wound! I've injured my son too on a few different occasions (not paying attention to the fact that his little 7 month old hand was planted on the inside of the hot HOT oven door! Yep, that one landed me in the er explaining myself to CPS.)

ANYWAY. a Clean house makes me feel better about life too. I just cleaned the crap out of my house too and Dustin thought surely I was pregnant and nesting-I got real OCD about it.

Toyin O. said...

Hope your boy is feeling better:)

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