Saturday, May 15, 2010

the first mother's day...

[i actually started this on mother's day and had no time to finish it before jude woke up and off i went to be mommy...]

you know, i really kind of hate days that are specifically labeled one day a year to be celebrated commercially... i would rather feel like each day is worth celebrating. nonetheless, i was kind of looking forward to my first mother's day. neither zach nor i are very good at gifting... well, in all fairness to him, he can be very good at it when he wants to. or when he has the time to, i suppose. so i try not to make a big deal out of birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc. for the most part.

this morning at 6am, jude woke me up and REFUSED to go back to bed. at first, i will have to admit that i got up, plopped him down in his crib and laid back down with the covers over my head for another thirty minutes. then, realizing i needed to get a card for my own mother (procrastination station, right here) i took advantage of the opportunity (jude being up before his normal breakfast time) and packed him up in the tahoe and off we went to walmart. it was nice doing something like that, just jude and i. that rarely happens. so we snapped up a couple of cards, a DVD, and a plant and headed home. i stopped in the driveway to get jude out of his carseat to sign the cards and then went in and traded cards with mom. it was such a super nice feeling to be able to share that experience with my mother. she had gotten me a card "from jude" which was very thoughtful and i loved it.
when zach got home, he handed off his cards, and after i read them i pointed out that one of them was something a son would totally say to their mother (ironically, the one he labeled as "fitting" for us) and so we had a good laugh about that. i guess that's how it goes in relationships... you usually raise your man, and when you have a child together, you are pretty much "mom" to both. so maybe i shouldn't label this as my first mother's day afterall ;)
i can't complain though because zach is downstairs right now freezing pureed chicken in ice cube trays for me so i can gobble down the bowl of cereal (that he brought to me) and finish the first season of weeds. i am so truly lucky and blessed.


Mama Kayla said...

"More more more!" as Story would say. I miss Jude updates!

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